Fix unshown reviews

There are some cases that make your reviews not be shown on your product page. This guideline will help you fix it.

If reviews are shown on your products before but reviews suddenly disappear for some reason. Please check the cases below to fix your issue.

1. Your product reviews are disabled in your Ryviu Products Manager section

If reviews of any product are not shown on the product page, please go to your Ryviu dashboard > Products and enable reviews of the product by turning the status icon green. So reviews of that product will be displayed on your product page.

2. All reviews of your product are disabled

By default, Ryviu will disable reviews if their content is empty and their ratings are less than 3 stars.

Please check if they are enabled or disabled from Products manager section by navigating to Products > choosing a product that you want to edit reviews.

Then scroll down to the review section, enable the review you want to display.

3. Reviews disappear on one or some products after importing

If reviews disappear on one or some products after you changed your product handle/permalink on your Shopify/ WooCommerce store when importing reviews, you can easily fix it by following the steps below.

  • Please go to your Ryviu dashboard > Product

  • Click on the edit icon on the product you want to update reviews

  • Update its Handle to the same as the product handle of your product in your store.

  • Finally, click Save button.

4. Reviews disappear after changing/updating your theme

If reviews are unshown after you update your theme, please refer to the instruction below to install Ryviu snippet for your new theme to make reviews appear again:

Install Ryviu for your new theme

5. You are using the 3rd app to create a product layout

If you are using an App to customize your product layout, please add these snippet codes to your app layout to display reviews. Here are code snippets:

- Stars rating under your product title:

<div class="review-widget">
    <ryviu-widget-total reviews_data="{{product.metafields.ryviu.product_reviews_info  | escape  }}" product_id="{{}}" handle="{{product.handle}}"></ryviu-widget-total>
<!-- / RYVIU APP -->

- Snippet code to display comments:

<!-- RYVIU APP :: WIDGET -->
<div class="lt-block-reviews">
    <ryviu-widget handle="{{product.handle}}" title_product="{{product.title}}" image_product="{{ product.featured_image.src | img_url: '100x' }}"></ryviu-widget>
<!-- / RYVIU APP -->

That's how to do it.

Should you have any questions, please let us know via live chat.

Last updated