Featured reviews Popup

This article will guide you on showing featured reviews for your store.

We are excited to inform you that you can add Featured reviews wherever you want on your website.

This feature is only supported in paid memberships.

Please go to your Reviews page and add Featured reviews by click on the star icon.

There are two ways to show Featured reviews in your store.

  1. Use Ryviu Sidebar widget:

Go to Featured Widget Settings to enable Ryviu Sidebar widget, then you will get Ryviu icon on your site.

When users click on Ryviu Sidebar widget icon on your site, they can see a popup Featured reviews displaying as below.

2. Add Featured reviews to the other place on your site

You can copy one of the two code snippets below to display Featured reviews.

  • The carousel layout:

<ryviu-feature-extend carousel="1" id="r--ryviu-widget"></ryviu-feature-extend>
<!-- / RYVIU APP -->


  • The basic layout:

<ryviu-widget feature="1"></ryviu-widget>
<!-- / RYVIU APP -->


Please take a look at our demo site to get more details: https://ryviu-app.myshopify.com/.

If you need further support, please feel free to contact us via live chat.

Last updated