Reviews Page

You can manage all reviews of your account in this section.

Reviews section includes all reviews' details such as product list, date of reviews, search box, etc. In here, you can control, manage, filter, and customize any reviews you want.

Accessing the Reviews section:

  1. Login to your reviews account

  2. Click Reviews on the top menu bar

Reviews section Interface:

Section 1: List of products are imported with reviews.

1.1 Open to Products dashboard.

1.2 Filter products list by status.

1.3 Sort review by date

1.4 Search product on the list.

1.5 Product title and icon to click on product reviews detail page.

Section 2: Filtering reviews by date

Section 3: The reviews statistical chart

3.1 Shows reviews according to rating 3.2 Shows reviews according to countries 3.3 Number reviews are activated 3.4 Number reviews are deactivated

Section 4: Sort and filter

Sorting reviews by the latest and oldest date.

Filtering reviews by rating, images, content, features as below:

Section 5: View Reviews dashboard as by "Grid view" or "List view".

5.1 View reviews as List view 5.2 View reviews as Grid view

Section 6: Search words and replace words.

6.1 Search words contained in your reviews 6.2 Enter words want to replace for words in 6.1 or take it to blank if you are going to remove words in 6.1. Please click Save button if you want to replace words.

Section 7: Edit review data

Hover on the review you want to edit, then click on the edit icon (pen icon)

Then you will see Edit review data as follow:

7.1 Rating of review: Editable by clicking on the rating to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 stars icon. 7.2 Review title: Editable texts in this field. 7.3 Author name: Editable. 7.4 Country of review: Click on this field and select the country if you want to change the country of review.

7.5 Like: Show that this comment is liked by other customers

7.6 Dislike: Show that this comment is disliked by other customers 7.7 Create at: Edit date of review by clicking on this field then change the date and time. 7.8 Content: In this section, you can see the customers' reviews or edit the content of the comment. 7.9 Upload button: Upload photos to your Media section, after that you can add photos for you reviews 7.10 Media button: Select photos from Media and add to your review.

Section 8: Review status

Activate or deactivate review by clicking on Reviews status icon.

Section 9: Add review to "Feature Reviews" or Remove review from "Feature Reviews"

Add reviews to Feature Reviews or Remove review from Feature Reviews by clicking on Feature review icon

Section 10: Remove review

If you are going to remove a review, please click on that icon then select Remove and the review will be removed from your product.

Section 11: Rating, comment, like, dislike, comment of review

You can preview almost information on your review in this section.

Section 12: Open product of a review

You can customize in a bundle of 50 reviews on the current page by ticking in Selected. Then you can do some settings like enable, disable, set/unset featured, or remove.

If you need further help, please contact us via live chat or email.

Last updated