Customer Reviews widget

This article will cover you the general settings of customer reviews.

Customer reviews setting is divided into 9 main parts such as General, Rating total widget, sections, boost sales popup, review widget box, button, star icon, text, and data settings. Here, you can have full control over all of your customer reviews.

To get access to the Customer reviews settings section, in your Ryviu dashboard, go to Settings > Customers Reviews.

Then you will be driven to the main interface of Review Widget settings as below:


  • Enable the option Approving option if you want to verify reviews before publishing.

  • Choose the theme for the reviews section.

  • Select the date format.

  • Select font and edit size for reviews.

  • Show total reviews and reviews when customers scroll to it if enable the option Lazy Load.

  • Showing Default: Set the number of reviews per page. You cannot set the reviews of the Masonry theme since it will be loaded on one page only.

  • Sort reviews by latest, oldest, or images on the product page in the Sort by option.

  • Select Load more or Pagination for reviews.

2. Rating total widget

You can set up to show the star rating on the collection and edit "Review" text for star rating in this part.

3. Sections

You can enable/disable the heading of the review widget, review button, date, etc. and change the star color on this section:

4. Boost sales popup

You can set up featured reviews for Boost sales popup if you are getting a Paid membership.

5. Reviews widget box

In this part, you can set up for the box of reviews in your store.

6. Button

You can set up the color of the button "Write a review" there:

7. Star icon

You can change the style, color, and size of the star there.

8. Text

If you want to edit text, you can do it on this part:

9. Data Settings

In this section, you can export setting the 1st account and import the setting for the other account without setting in many times.

That's the overview of the Customers Reviews settings. If you need further information, please contact us via live chat.

Last updated